Welcome to FirstGen FM!

I’m Jen, and I’ve created this as a place to connect, learn, share, and take action through the FirstGenFM podcast and newsletter. The goal: to share our big ideas, great programs, high-impact practices, and current research through inspiring conversations with people working with first-generation college and college-bound students.

I’m also an engaging speaker, looking forward to presenting workshops to first-gen college-bound students, their families, and to educators and community organizations who want to create more opportunities for first-generation students to attend college.

“This was the most helpful college chat I’ve been on. Thank you so very much and I’ll see you on another webinar. I feel empowered now.”

- Beth S, Parent, on the Mastering the Common Application webinar.

Register now for our next FREE webinar on…

The Secret Formula for Supplemental Essays

Highly selective colleges ask often ask applicants to complete additional (supplemental) essays as part of their college application. Admissions counselors are looking for some very specific information when they read those essays. We are here to guide you and your student through these essays!

In this webinar, we’ll share 

  • What these essays are and why they are used.

  • How to prepare and do the research before answering the prompts.

  • Why these essays are not the time to be creative.

  • How to get your main points across so admissions readers know your student is a good fit for their campus. 

We look forward to seeing you (and your student) this Thursday at 7pm.

Register below.

Recordings will be made available to all registrants.

September 29 at 7pm EST

Let’s Connect


This weekly podcast is about inspiring conversations with educators who work with first-generation college and college-bound students. We’ll talk about the work we are doing, the programs that are successful, and the research that helps us create meaningful programs. I look forward to learning alongside you and inspiring you with stories and ideas that you can take action on! I’ll also include first-generation student voices to keep us centered on why we do the work we do. To listen, click the “Episodes” button. If you’d like to be on the podcast, click the “Be A Guest” button below.


I am a speaker and workshop presenter for educators, college-bound high school students, and families who want information about the college admissions process and preparing their students for college success. I’ve presented at hundreds of high schools to AVID, GEAR Up, and Upward Bound students and staff, and at several national college fairs. I would love to share my programs with you! If you need a presenter for 6th-12th graders, a teacher in-service program, or a PTSO meetings, I would love to talk with you. Learn more about my presentations by clicking the box below.

Are scholarship searches driving you up the wall?

Do you feel like you're looking for a needle in a haystack but not sure where the haystack is?

We get it. "Find Scholarships Faster" is here to change the game.

No more guesswork. No more wasted time. Just straight answers that work for students and families.