Presentations & Workshops

Looking for a dynamic and engaging speaker to present on

  • preparing for college,

  • navigating college admissions, and

  • making a smooth transition to college?

You’ve come to the right place!

I demystify the process of applying for colleges and scholarships, and help guide students through a successful transition from high school to college.

I have presented to

Navigating the college admissions process is complicated.

If you are looking for a speaker for students and families, and for staff professional development, I can help.

With over 30 years of experience in admissions and college retention, I expertly deliver interactive and inspirational workshops and presentations.

I’ve presented to students and their families, high school teachers, and community organizations, in large and small venues. I will deliver informational and entertaining in-person (or virtual) presentations that will open up post-secondary education for your students.

Most Requested Workshops and Presentations

All of these workshops can be presented to educators, or students and families.

The descriptions below are for students.

You Make the Call: Making Admissions Decisions

In this workshop, you take on the role of the admissions counselor, deciding who should be admitted and why. After you are “trained” to review transcripts, activities lists, essays, and letters of recommendations, you will review and rate two to four applicants for your university. As a committee, you’ll make a decision based on who will thrive at your institution and who will contribute to the campus community. This is a highly interactive and discussion-based workshop.

Five Secrets for a Great College Essay

Students dread writing about themselves and experience a lot of anxiety around writing their college and scholarship essays. I will share five strategies, with handouts and tips to de-stress the process and even make it fun for students. From brainstorming activities to select meaningful topics and using a Mad Libs-style sentence starter, to good proofreading and the dangers of relying on spell check, participants will look forward to writing an essay that allows them to put their best selves on the page.

Building Power (not soft!) Skills

This presentation highlights the significance of soft skills (I call them power skills!) and help-seeking behavior. Power skills, including communication and adaptability, are essential for students' success in a rapidly changing world. Help-seeking behavior plays a crucial role in overcoming challenges and using available resources. This program will incorporate interactive activities, such as role-playing scenarios and collaborative problem-solving challenges, to show students why these skills are so valuable. Practicing these skills now will allow them to make a smoother transition to college.

Getting Great Letters of Recommendation

Not all letters of recommendation are equal but all of them can give the admissions reviewer important information about the strengths and challenges students will bring to the college community. I’ll share tips for gathering information to make it easier for recommenders to write those letters, how and when to ask for letters, and what to do if students are not doing well in your class but need a teacher recommendation. (For the educator presentation, we’ll even talk about how ChatGPT can help. We’ll start some letters, share drafts, and participants will learn from each other as we talk about the importance of a good recommendation.)

Other presentations include

  • The Scoop on Searching for Scholarships

  • The Five Categories Admissions Looks for in the Activities List

  • Three Tips to Make the Transition to College Smooth

  • The Five People You Need to Meet in College

  • College Admissions 101: What Admissions Looks for When Making Decisions

I’m available as a high school speaker, keynote speaker, and conference presenter. My packages include single presentations or multiple workshops throughout the day at a high school or community organization. I can also design a custom presentation based on your needs. My one-hour workshops start at $750.

I have individual workshops up to multi-day presentations and training packages to fit your needs. I will work with you to create a program designed for you and your students.

Check out a few testimonials below!

Take advantage of my 30+ years of experience in admissions, scholarships, and working with college students to give your students, families, and staff the strategies and tools to propel students to higher education success.

How can I help you and your students?

Schedule a call here.


“The students in my literature class has so many positive things to say about Jennifer's presentation. She was able to speak at their level and explain the writing concepts in a way that made sense to them. By Monday, they were still laughing about her dramatizations and writing analogies. Her visit energized the process and inspired my students to not only write great essays but actually mail them into a college!"

Marsha M. (High School English Teacher)

“I just want to make sure that we send our sincerest thanks for your help with our son’s college application. Not only did he get into 3 of his 4 colleges, we used parts of the essays you worked with him on to apply for a very prestigious scholarship. He was awarded the scholarship, which is a full ride to Colorado State University. I truly believe your guidance was an essential part of this award. Thank you again for your services!”

N. Gowen (parent)

“There are few things more painful to high school students than writing college admission essays. Jennifer provides creative and insightful instruction, laced with wonderful humor, that calms anxious students and gets them writing with confidence.”

Nancy S. (High School College and Career Counselor)

My favorite session? I enjoyed Jennifer Schoen’s “Building Power Skills.” I learned a lot, it was interactive, lots of engagement.

GEAR Up West Conference Attendee